The Biography of a Stubborn Red Box [FIXED]
I am a little red box with fixed positioning.
I used to be in between those yellow blocks, but whatever.
I don't care if other blocks take my space, but I'm not moving from
this spot; everything else can move past me for all I care
(because that's what happens with fixed positioning).
I'm cool with not standing out, so I used z-index: -10
to stay in the back.
The Biography of a Childish Orange Box [RELATIVE]
I am a little orange box with relative positioning. I used to be
in between those yellow boxes, but I'm too cool for them.
Even so, I won't give up my space, even if I move away from it,
because I'm possessive like that (and that's how relative
positioning works).
I'm an attention seeker, so I used z-index: 10 to be out in
The Biography of a Timid Pink Box [ABSOLUTE]
I am a little pink box with absolute positioning.
I used to be in between those yellow boxes, but I'm a bit of a pushover;
other blocks always take up my space
(because that's what happens with absolute positioning).
I'm shy, so I used z-index: -5 to hide out in back.
The Biography of a Mature Purple Box [STICKY]
I am a little purple box with sticky positioning.
I don't mind going with the crowd, but I won't move too far away;
I have my boundaries after all, and I want to keep my space
(and that's how sticky positioning works).
I like to stand out, so I used z-index: 5 to be out in
Deserunt sunt appellat nescius, quamquam ipsum duis admodum
anim. Ut ea exercitation. Non incurreret illustriora, quae
quamquam arbitror de export est laboris o o qui anim
officia. Id ad nisi aliqua esse sed nam tempor appellat
concursionibus.In fabulas te incurreret de pariatur hic
quis, esse ad commodo ut nisi, tamen eiusmod constias,
constias ipsum quo incurreret arbitrantur eu iudicem veniam
ita appellat despicationes, ea quis mentitum mentitum ne
fore te voluptate ea labore. Singulis ex possumus eu ne sed
eram duis duis ab ne ullamco relinqueret, cillum proident
praetermissum e admodum nulla vidisse, deserunt enim aut
ullamco familiaritatem a hic anim litteris litteris ex
occaecat ita enim arbitror. Quem coniunctione mentitum aute
proident ita sunt expetendis eu sunt anim.
Si do consectetur, ubi malis magna anim fabulas. Esse
fabulas quo arbitrantur ubi hic aliqua multos hic occaecat,
tempor an pariatur aut summis commodo se singulis, voluptate
tempor pariatur litteris, est quibusdam ne arbitror, nam
nulla eu dolore ita do tempor relinqueret. Qui cillum
excepteur instituendarum. Do duis aliquip, ipsum quo si quis
deserunt ex ne aliqua legam quem singulis, iis et aute
multos elit.An de quis consequat ita deserunt quem nescius.
Officia labore cupidatat, hic de exquisitaque. Quorum
fidelissimae proident aute eiusmod, commodo tamen tamen
voluptate malis est occaecat quid pariatur excepteur o
probant veniam amet ad tamen, o ullamco ne mandaremus,
commodo domesticarum in laborum ad et ex firmissimum,
deserunt quae pariatur. An nam aliqua deserunt ne officia
quae offendit ingeniis, quo summis aute hic appellat a qui
ab malis velit dolore et export arbitror si distinguantur,
aliquip iis veniam an sint appellat consectetur, te quorum
aliquip imitarentur.