color: crimson;
color: #4D66CF;
color: rgb(158, 6, 213);
This text is colored green by using one of the standardized HTML Color Names; in this case, we simply used the color name "green".
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
This text is color red by using a hexadecimal color,
such as #FF0000
Quaerat consequatur ipsa fugiat quibusdam vitae eum
ipsum ipsam totam, nisi voluptatibus quae debitis non
magnam quis cumque perferendis porro neque corporis.
The text in these paragraphs inside of the div
element are colored a light purple by using the
special "functional notation" syntax for a function
called rgb()
"r" stands for red, "g" stands for green, and "b"
stands for blue. Each color channel accepts a value
between 0 and 255. In this case, we used
rgb(164, 88, 215)
Notice that a more specific CSS selector will have a higher priority than a less specific CSS selector in having their CSS rule applied. That's why this text is red: Class Selectors are more specific than HTML Element Selectors.